Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Cuthbert, 20 March 2009

St. Cuthbert was from Northumbria, probably from the neighbourhood of the Firth of Forth. He became a monk in about 651, then became a soldier and returned to being a monk. After the death of the Abbot, Cuthbert was elected to the Abbacy and was later chosen to bring the western customs to Northubria after the council of Whitby. He spent most of his time going on missionary journey’s and attending the needs of his people. After 676, he too on the life of a hermit on the Farne Islands. He also introduced laws protecting the Eider ducks on the island. In 685 he was elected as Bishop of Lindisfarne. After King Ecgfrith came to visit him, he finally took the office of Bishop, but only for a year, after which he retired again to his island. He died the 20th of March 687. Many miracles were attributed tohim.

From Cuthbert, we learn that bishop must be out and about the mission f the church, especially bringing people into the church and training them. He dedicated himself to prayer and solitude, habits we today could foster. He never worried about is perogotives in office, instead building himself a monastic settlement, retired to solitude in his cell.

Collect: Father, you called Cuthbert from being a shepherd of sheep to being a shepherd of persons. Grant that as we was willing to spread the Gospel in remote and dangerous places, that we too may be willing to proclaim the Gospel in areas of which we might fear and to people of whom we may be afraid. This we ask through Yeshuah haMoshiach, who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen. (white)

1 comment:

  1. Happy St. Cuthbert's Day! for more about this saint, I hope you can take a moment to visit my blog dedicated to him:
