Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Martyrs of Uganda


While there are many martyrs in Uganda reaching into modern times, such as Bishop James Hannnington and Archbishop Janani Luwum, chiefly we remember the 32 pages of king  Mwanga of Buganda who marched joyfully singing hymns and praying for the king, to be burned at the stake, rather than to submit to the sexual advances of their king.  The martyrdoms did not have the desired result.  The joyful attitude that they shared sparked a general interest in Jesus and Christianity, leading to rapid growth of the church.  The church of Uganda is truly Christian, and truly African, and Uganda today is the most Christian nation in Africa. 

Interestingly enough, while Lesser Feasts and Fasts mentions rebellion against the king, they today neglect to mention the straw that broke the camel's  back, even though  editions did.  It is a blot on their blessed memory that political correctness and the attempt to call evil good should change the story. )

Let us go joyfully with them praising the Lord and proclaiming the truth of his salvation and holiness of life.

Psalm 138
Habakkuk 2:9-14
Hebrews 10:32-39 
Matthew 24:9-14

Collect of the Day:

Heavenly Father, you gave the young martyrs of Uganda strength and courage to refuse to have inappropriate relations with the king and to go joyfully to their death by burning, singing hymns on the way.  Grant us grace in our society which glorifiess perversion to   stand up for the truth of obedience to your word, and to proceed joyfully, glorifying you in all that we do and say.  This we ask through our blessed saviour, Yeshuah haMoshiach, who lives and reins with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting.  Amen.  (red)

(note, while the Anglican Church of Uganda was begun in 1877, today it is larger than the Episcopal church of the USA)

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