Martyrs of Japan
The Martyr of Japan have a story
to tell of what it truly is to be Christian.
Jesuits first brought the faith to Japan in the 16th
century and were followed soon after by the Franciscans. The church grew rapidly, and it is estimated
that by the end of the 16th century that there were more than three
hundred thousand believers in Japan. Unfortunately there were problems due to
rivalries between Franciscan and Jesuits and because of intrigues by both the
Spanish and Portuguese governments.
Concerned, the Japanese
government had 6 Franciscans and twenty of their converts, crucified and then
stabbed at Nagasaki,
on 5 February 1597. A nobleman tempted
the youngest, a boy to renounce his faith, but instead the boy asked to be
shown his cross and embraced it. The
church grew. From 1614 until 1854 a programme
of persecution began, in which Christians were crucified, buried alive, and tortured. Churches were destroyed. But the Japanese Christians proved true
martyrs indeed (the word martyr means witness).
Despite a lack of clergy and contact with the official church, there
were still practicing Christians, worshipping underground, when contact with
the west was reestablished.
Two things are to be
learned. First, we should all learn from
the example from the Japanese Christians, and persevere, no matter what. The second thing we should learn, is that it
is very important to concentrate on establishing indigenous pastors from early
on, so that if the missionaries are driven out, the church may continue on in
its fullness.
Collect: Heavenly Father, despite much suffering, your
church in Japan
continued through persecutions. Grant
that we observing their perseverance, would have the courage to follow where
they lead the way, proclaiming Christ with our very lives. This we ask in his most blessed name. Amen,